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French VoD market: up 175% in two years

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

While the French DVD market is declining or stabilizing at best, VoD continues its growth, mainly driven by leading TV operators’ offers. According to preliminary figures from GFK, VoD market grew to over €80 mln in 2009, up from €53mln in 2008.

TV VoD represents from 80% to 90% of VoD revenues in France. In this market, Orange VoD holds the lion’s share in terms of enabled households, revenues and monthly buy rate. Dataxis Intelligence’s latest estimates show that the operator has a market share of more than 25%  in terms of revenues. On average, a VoD enabled household ordered 3.3 paying titles in 2009 from Orange VoD, compared to 3.1 in 2008.

Although it was launched more recently, cable VoD sees a strong growth among VoD users. With 4000 titles, Numericable’s library is now available to 1.95 million households. These subscribers viewed an average of 2.1 titles in 2009 and generated a revenue of approximately 12 million Euros in 2009, according to Dataxis Intelligence’s estimates

Worldwide VoD, DVD and Cinema revenues for 2009 will soon be available as part of the ‘Entertainment’ market research service of Dataxis Intelligence.

VoD France 2009_

Source: NPA /  Dataxis Intelligence

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