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Rwanda ambitious $40 million broadband project under way

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Rwanda’s after-war rebuilding projects are changing the daily life of citizens and connecting them more and more to the globalized world. The most telling example for that is the government ambitious $40 million project launched last year in partnership with Korea Telecom to provide the country with the state-of-the-art high speed broadband technologies.
The first step of this project aimed at installing a commercial WiBro network (a wireless broadband Internet technology developed by the South Korean telecom industry) so as to enable users in the capital city of Kigali to access uninterrupted Internet from any part of the city by the end of next September. An official in charge of IT explains the benefits of the WiBro deployment in Kigali that will cost up to $8 million, by arguing: “Tourists will be able to move from the airport to their hotels while surfing the net and people will be moving in their vehicles while carrying out transactions on their laptops”

The second step of the broadband project is about a fiber-optic deployment throughout the country that will require a $22 million investment and is expected to provide affordable high speed broadband Internet by the end of this year. Besides, the government also awarded the Korean company another related project to lay the fibre-optic cable that will connect the country to the undersea cable and also provide technology, equipment, relevant application materials.

If completed this mega project of broadband in Rwanda will enable the country to lift up its broadband penetration rate to one of the highest on the African stage as it will increase broadband availability to more than 700 Rwandan institutions including schools, health-care centres and local government administrative centres.

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