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KDDI reached 1 million Cable phone subscribers in Q2 2010

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010

japanKDDI published its results for the end of June 2010. Operating revenues of the company grew by 1.4% compared to previous year. Mobile business revenues stagnated while the fixed line business increased by 3.3%. This growth can be explained by the increasing number of fixed access lines, which reached 6.11 million in June 2010.

KDDI’s cable phone service, called Cable-plus phone, reached 1.062 million subscribers in the first half of 2010, compared to 697.000 subscribers in June 2009. It represents a growth by more than 52% yoy.

According to Dataxis Intelligence, the market is still dominated by J:Com, with 1.8 million cable phone subscribers, but negotiations on an alliance between KDDI, J:Com and Sumitomo is planned to boost Cable TV operations and their customer bases.

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