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ADB announces 1,5mln IPTV STB shipped

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

ADB announced that, at the end of March 2009, it has shipped over 1.5 million IPTV set-top boxes, making ADB one of the top IPTV suppliers in the world.

According to Dataxis Intelligence, ADB’s main IPTV customers are tier-1 European operators Fastweb, Telefonica, Telefonica O2, and Telekom Austria.

In a still very fragmented IPTV STB market, ADB’s main global competitors are Motorola, Cisco, and Sagem. Amino is more limited to Tier-2 and Tier-3 operators, while many other competitors often just have one main customer, such as Netgem in France and Pirelli in Italy.

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